Doug Finch
Pitching Clinic
for Families
A clinic for softball pitchers and their parents.
Parents of Athletes
Call 866-258-2727 or
click here for more details
Doug's Teachings & Mechanics
Doug has been professionally teaching since 1992. His teachings and mechanics have been mentored
and tested at the highest level known in the fastpitch world by Dr. Sherry
L. Werner. Through her research and countless studies, Dr. Werner has
generated the largest database of fastpitch softball pitching mechanics in
the world. In working with Dr. Werner, Doug's teachings and mechanics have
proven to be at the top in terms of safest and most efficient of anyone in
the world. Not only are Doug's mechanics among the safest, the success of
his numerous students over the years have proven his mechanics to be
effective on the field. In addition to Jennie Finch, Doug has coached many ASA National Champions and NCAA champions.
The Parent As The Expert
Attend one family clinic with Doug Finch and you'll learn more in one
evening than you have ever learned about throwing, hitting and pitching.
Most parents feel unequipped to teach throwing, hitting and pitching to
their kids. Doug will give you the skills, knowledge, and tools to properly
instruct your athlete in a safe and proper manner. Parents, it's your
responsibility to know about these mechanics (much of which applies to
baseball as well) to help prevent injury to your kids.
You will be the expert after attending the Doug Finch Softball Family