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Using the Finch Windmill
Instructional Video
Mounting the Finch Windmill


Finch Windmill Mounting Methods

Permanent Mounting Method with Screws

  • In the pictures below, the track is mounted to a permanent structure (wall, post, etc.) using three large lag screws.

  • The Finch Windmill is most effective when mounted in the home of the athlete because the athlete is more likely to use it.

  • If you want to take the Finch Windmill with you when you travel, you can use the "hose clamp mounting method" (see description below) or buy an additional track ($40.00 extra charge).

Outside Wall





Hose Clamp Mounting Method

Instead of permanently mounting the track to a wall (see permanent mounting method above), the use of two hose clamps allows you to take the Finch Windmill with you and attach it to any pole.




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